Five out of 10 plastic surgery procedures involve the body, but unlike the face, these procedures are less visible and perhaps less revealed. Liposculpture, for example, now boasts high-precision, safe techniques that allow for less invasive surgeries and increasingly natural results to regain your desired shape.
But let’s take a step back and answer the most common question in the doctor’s office when it comes to the silhouette: ‘Why don’t diets work in certain trouble spots?’; ‘Doctor, I’ve lost 7 pounds and the pads in my hips are still there’ or ‘I can see my face hollowed out but my double chin is worse!’
In our body there are constitutional adipose tissue deposits (for example in women at gluteal and trochanteric level, the so-called “coulotte de cheval”, while in men more often at abdominal or hip level, the so-called “love handles”) that represent genetically determined physiological reserves and resistant to dietary regimes.

How liposculpture works

The task of the plastic surgeon is to act with targeted interventions that reduce or eliminate localized and punctual adipose accumulations in some specific areas of the body: buttocks, abdomen, hips, trochanteric region, inner thigh, knees, arms, and chin. Cannulas of various calibers are used in an intelligent way–removing the right amount of tissue to regain a harmonious shape, different for each patient.
We can also use part of that aspirated tissue to restore volume or vitality to empty or devitalized areas, following what we call the “Robin Hood principle”, who stole from the rich to give to the poor. In reconstructive plastic surgery it means eliminating excess tissue to replenish deficient tissue, in this case we are talking about lipofilling. The arrows in our bow today are ultra-technological and from the old liposuction procedures of the 80s we have made considerable progress.

The least invasive technique

Another innovative method, reserved for more moderate and localized adipose accumulations, is the Endolifting lipolaser that, in addition to creating a skin-tightening effect or tissue recompaction, has a wavelength that affects the adipocytes, thus eliminating localized adipose tissue. This innovative treatment does not require surgical incisions, but the introduction under the skin of a very thin optical microfiber that delivers laser energy, sculpting the body through delicate fan-like movements.

The importance of dietary style

In all cases, the dietary style is fundamental and, already in the first interview with patients, we often notice habits that are not good for the line and even for health: poorly balanced diets with low protein intake and tendency to dehydration. Women and men who drink little and reduce portions to a minimum in order not to gain weight, triggering unbalanced metabolic mechanisms.
I never tire of saying it. Form is substance, and food plays a key role. If busy schedules don’t allow you to plan your meals properly, it’s essential to supplement your diet with these substances–protein supplements, bioflavonoids, and Omega 3 supplements.

Protein Supplements

Protein supplements are defined as well-balanced mixes of proteins of various origins, which together with minerals and vitamins guarantee at least 50% of the daily intake. Mixed with sugar-free drinks or yogurt they become a meal replacement.
Taken before and after liposculpture surgery, they accelerate tissue normalization and recovery time (downtime), improve post-surgery, and prolong results.


Bioflavonoids aid venous circulation and restore microcirculation. They are critically important not only for reducing edema after surgery, but should always be prescribed. If the arterial venous exchange of the microcirculation is correct, all cells are nourished in a balanced way. In my experience, the mix of rutin, sweet clover and isoquercitrin gives very good results.

Omega 3-based Supplements

Omega 3 is a molecule that has a well-established reputation in the cardiovascular field, but in truth it becomes essential after the age of 50 to support all the body’s systems–fats are the components of cell membranes and their deficiency determines their dysfunction.
I’m often told that you have a hard time tolerating and digesting them, which is why I recommend taking microemulsified Omega 3s that have no aftertaste and don’t cause uncomfortable gastrointestinal symptoms.
Omega 3, for us surgeons, are also an excellent anti-inflammatory: they facilitate the post-surgery period, help patients to recover the pleasure of exercise and sports activities and make the slight pain caused by the operation disappear, restoring the patients’ good mood.
I prescribe them regularly and my patients can’t do without them.

Mental and psychological aspects

In my profession, I make it a priority not only to meet the needs of patients, but also to dialogue with them in order to enhance their uniqueness… sometimes even refusing some interventions that are not necessary. Fortunately, the times when the model was the stereotype of the “American doll” are largely over and our task is to reconstruct, together with the patient, not only the body, but also the self-image, which has its own intrinsic beauty; our work must simply allow this beauty to be expressed.

Who Dr. Maria Vittoria Giatti is

Dr. Maria Vittoria Giatti, specialist in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, carries out her professional activity in Bologna at her Medical Office in Palazzo Vizzani, a historic noble building where Pope Benedict XIV resided, which is also the seat of medical-scientific conferences and of her Medical Academy aimed at the training of medical specialists to deepen innovative techniques of plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine. Its primary objective is the “beauty” of each patient, harmony and naturalness daily guide every surgical intervention or medical treatment that it performs. Always at the forefront in proposing exclusive protocols. He has collaborated with leading plastic surgeons of international renown. Teacher in several theoretical-practical courses for doctors and specialists in the field. Participation in numerous national and international scientific congresses, theoretical-practical training courses and updates. Realization of several communications and scientific publications. Beauty coach and scientific consultant for several companies in the pharmaceutical and medical sector. She has worked in prestigious clinics in Paris, Florence, Bologna, Verona, Rovigo, Ferrara. Member of the Italian Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (S.I.C.P.R.E.) and of the Aesthetic Multispecialty Society (AMS). Former member of the International Society of Plastic & Regenerative Surgeons ( I.S.P.R.E.S.). Patients come to her from all over Italy and abroad, confident of finding answers to their needs and their needs, through the most innovative treatments of aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery, but above all that empathy, humanity and attention to psychological aspects and every detail, which make Dr. Giatti unique and that have made her become a professional so well known and respected.

Dr. Maria Vittoria Giatti
Specialist in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery